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Warzone Tours

WEB Warzone Tours: Your Gateway to Extreme Humanitarian Journalism

Experiential Tours for the Brave

WEB Warzone Tours offers a unique opportunity for humanitarian NGO journalists and thrill-seekers alike to witness conflict zones firsthand. With its high-risk tours, the company provides access to areas often inaccessible to traditional media outlets.

Exclusive Access to War Zones

WEB's tours include round-trip transportation to Nuremberg, Germany, and guided visits to conflict zones such as Ukraine and Yemen. Participants immerse themselves in the realities of war, meeting with locals and witnessing the impact of humanitarian efforts.

Targeted Tourism for a Cause

WEB's mission goes beyond offering adrenaline-pumping experiences. The company believes in supporting humanitarian journalism and raising awareness about the challenges faced by civilians in conflict zones. A portion of tour proceeds is donated to local NGOs.


WEB Warzone Tours caters to those seeking an extraordinary and impactful travel experience. By venturing into dangerous territories, participants not only witness the horrors of war but also contribute to a greater understanding of global crises. WEB's unique approach to experiential journalism leaves an unforgettable mark on those who dare to embrace it.
